
Nyogen Senzaki (1876–1958) was a Rinzai Zen monk who was one of the 20th century's leading proponents of Zen Buddhism in the United States.


Paul Reps (15 September 1895 - 12 July 1990) was an American artist, poet, and author. He is best known for his unorthodox haiku-inspired poetry that was published from 1939 onwards. He is considered one of America's first haiku poets.

Living Haiku Anthology

From Zen Flesh, Zen Bones (1971) ISBN: 0-385-08130-8 Anchor Books (from the Anchor Library of Religion series)

Paul Reps, the compiler, is an American who has spent a great deal of life abroad, mainly in India, Norway, and Japan. He is a student of comparative religions and is the author of several books of poems and prose. Each of the first three parts of Zen Flesh, Zen Bones appeared as a separate volume in the 1930's under Mr. Rep' name.

Nyogen Senzaki, who collaborated with Paul Reps in the transcription of the first three parts of the present volume, is a Buddhist scholar of international renown. He was born in Japan and very early became a "homeless monk," wandering the land and studying at various monasteries. Shortly after the turn of the century he came to California where he has lived ever since.